
Get Your YankiPhone NOW

1. Choose Your Plan:

2. Select Your Applications:

No internet browsers are installed, as everything you need from the web is accessible through the Yanki platform or our dedicated human agents. In addition to the Yanki app, you can choose from a selection of only useful and pre-approved apps available in the Google Play Store (such as: Waze, WhatsApp, Uber, etc.). All applications are continuously monitored to maintain a secure and religiously focused digital environment.

3. Embrace a Distraction-Free Digital Life

o internet browsers are installed, as everything you need from the web is accessible through the Yanki platform or our dedicated human agents. In addition to the Yanki app, you can choose from a selection of only useful and pre-approved apps available in the Google Play Store (such as: Waze, WhatsApp, Uber, etc.). All applications are continuously monitored to maintain a secure and religiously focused digital environment.

Choose the Plan That’s Right for You:


$ 30 Monthly
  • + device cost (can be extended up to 18 months)
  • 5GB of data
  • A Samsung device
  • 500 Yanki messages
  • 20 Personal Assistant tasks


$ 50 Monthly
  • + device cost (can be extended up to 18 months)
  • 20GB of data
  • A Samsung device
  • 800 Yanki messages
  • 40 Personal Assistant tasks


$ 80 Monthly
  • + device cost (can be extended up to 18 months)
  • Unlimited data
  • A Samsung device
  • Unlimited Yanki messages
  • Unlimited Personal Assistant tasks

Each plan is designed to give you just what you need, with no compromises on quality, value, or the tools you rely on. Pick the one that fits your lifestyle and enjoy seamless connectivity, a reliable device, and a truly personalized digital experience.